Small to Medium
Size Businesses

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Web and Social Media

Your prospective customers turn to the internet to find what they need. You need to be present, you need to be found, and you need to make a great first impression. Does your web and social media presence bring in customers?

Our web solutions integrate social media and search engine optimization to deliver your message. With the combination of web, social media, and SEO, having new customers find you has never been easier.

Customer Relationship Management

CRM software has evolved dramatically, yet it remains one of the best technology investments you can make from a return perspective. Does your sales team have mobile access to their prospect and customer database? Can you view all contacts with your customers across the entire organization?

People want to do business with firms that are easy to do business with. Automated sales and service processes provide the best customer experience possible. Modern CRM solutions enable this.

Digital Marketing

Modern digital marketing tools integrate with and extend your CRM to enable efficient customer communications across your customer lifecycle.

From newsletters and promotions to contract expiration and appointment reminders, automating customer communications in your business process frees up time to grow your business and improves your customer experience.

Modern digital marketing tools integrate with and extend your CRM to enable efficient customer communications across your customer lifecycle.

From newsletters and promotions to contract expiration and appointment reminders, automating customer communications in your business process frees up time to grow your business and improves your customer experience.

Business Intelligence

As a small business owner, you need metrics and measures to help you manage and grow. Our dashboard and reporting solutions provide everything you need to monitor the pulse of your business.

When integrated with CRM, customer analytics like annual value, recency, and frequency become actionable insights for your sales and service team.

Technology Consulting

As a small business owner, your creativity and ideas have taken you pretty far, but sometimes you need help bringing that idea to life.

Our technology strategy consulting can help you navigate and prioritize investments, turn ideas into brands, and transition to the next level.

Success Stories

Integrated CRM for Professional Education


A customer was seeking a new e-Commerce and customer management solution for their continuing education services.


Everest built an e-Commerce solution that sells and delivers their education content over the web, as well as a Microsoft Dynamics CRM that gives them a complete view of their customers. The CRM solution was then extended to include Marketing Automation for direct mail and nurture campaigns that maximize the utilization of the education materials.


Our customer was able to expand their business, attract additional investors, and enter new markets.

Web Presence for Start-Up


A start-up company in the industrial supply market was having a successful launch but needed to establish a web presence to gain credibility from their customers, including the accounts payable department of a large municipality.


Everest built our customer a clean, responsive web-site, including five pages and a newsletter subscribe feature in less than five days.


Their sales team has increased confidence calling on larger prospects, their customers can view their product categories, and they’re proud of their brand and the exposure it is receiving.

Digital Marketing Campaign


A small restaurant, located on a busy main street in the county seat, was interested in growing their business during the holiday season.


Everest developed a marketing concept for holiday lunch parties, developed the marketing materials, and executed an e-mail campaign to local businesses.


The customer saw a significant growth in party bookings within two days of the campaign launch.

Cloud Solutions

Our Web, CRM, and Digital Marketing solutions work on-premises or in the cloud.

Cloud solutions reduce project cost while providing world-class technology like your competitors have.

Mobility Matters

The transition to mobile has hit an all-time high. Your technology strategy needs to include mobility.

Shouldn’t your sales team have data access anywhere or your website be accessible on a smart-phone?

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