Pack a bag, grab your best friends, and hop in the car. We’re going on a road trip.

But before we go, we need a destination. Let’s say that we’re driving cross-country from New York City to San Francisco, a la Kerouac’s On the Road. Among the needs for our trip are, of course, the car, our bags, snacks and drinks, good music or podcasts, gas money, food money. But what else? Are we planning to just get in the car, choose a direction, and drive?

Of course not. We have a little more sense than Sal Paradise and a little less time to kill than he did.

Instead, we need a plan.

Where will we stop to rest and eat? How often will we need to stop for gas? What can we see along the way? How long will it take us to get there? What are each of our roles on the trip? What routes will we take to ensure the key experiences to call the trip successful?

If you’re lucky, you have a Type-A friend who builds a detailed spreadsheet for the trip with all of these questions answered. She booked AirBnBs under budget and on the route. She found the best tourist attractions – a giant easel in Kentucky and the best BBQ in Missouri. And just maybe, your Type-A friend took the time to calculate the lowest gas prices based on national data and planned your route based on fuel costs. (Yes, mine actually did!)

With the driving schedule designed by good ol’ Type-A, your road trip goes off without a hitch. Well, maybe there were a few hiccups along the way, like car troubles or false advertising on the part of an Airbnb host, but your Type-A friend obviously planned for those as well. But with emergency funds, built-in days for travel delays, backup plans, a positive attitude, and a cooler full of snacks, your plan can flex to whatever obstacles come up – even that centennial rainstorm in the Mojave.

Now you may be wondering: What is the point of this *ALMOST* overly specific metaphor? How does it connect to life sciences and biopharma/biotech or data and technology?

Allow me to explain.

The road trip is your commercialization strategy, and we’re your Type-A friend. With over twenty years of experience with the life sciences industry, we’ve amassed the esoteric knowledge and experience, between Everest and our partners at Parallax Life Sciences Consulting, to help you reach your metaphorical San Francisco.

While no two pharma or biotech startups are the same, the industry demands follow certain patterns. We understand the needs of your organization and how they evolve as your business grows. With the structure provided by the requirements and regulations of the life sciences industry, we have formalized our collective consulting strategy and created a framework based on the needs that we’ve observed from our customers and our industry experience since the ’90s. Our data and technology roadmap framework is scalable and customizable to any business, at any stage. Because of this, it can be applied to any life sciences organization – whether it be a new startup, a merger, a new product launch, or even all of the above!

Our experts will help guide your strategy and help you to decide when and how to implement the data and technology solutions your business requires.

Some aspects of your data and technology roadmap may include:

  • Implementing an MSL CRM to help profile and track Key Opinion Leaders and Therapeutic Experts
  • Integrating a master data management solution with specific capabilities for specialty and rare disease
  • Implementing artificial intelligence-based patient identification for patient services
  • Establishing a commercial data warehouse solution to enable reporting, analytics, and data science capabilities

We consider ourselves technology-agnostic, meaning we’re completely unbiased in our approach to evaluating and selecting tools, data providers, and vendors to complete your vision and best fit your business’s needs. Our services span the full project lifecycle – from planning, to building, to operation, we’ll be in the passenger seat. We provide your team with the technical and business knowledge and industry-specific guidance to help you make the best decisions for your organization, every step of the way.

So, buckle up, throw us the keys, and let’s hit the road together!

Read more about our partnership with Parallax here.

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