Data Management

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Use data to take your business to new heights.

Manage data with ease.

Our suite of data management tools includes master data management, middleware, and commercial data warehouse solutions. BasecampMDM, SherpaMW, and AscentDW are highly customizable and integrate easily with various systems. Implement them individually or in combination for a more integrated data management solution. 

Data Management

Key Features


Fits your needs

Highly configurable, customizable, and scalable to fit your unique needs. 

Easy Integration

Integrate with other systems to support business processes.

Business Intelligence

Perform analytics and reporting to produce actionable insights. 


Automation Capabilities

Put your data and systems to work for you by automating key processes. 

Our Data Management Solutions

Everest Customer Solutions offers a suite of data management solutions available for implementation individually or as a package. 


Our master data management solution. Improve data quality and enable better insights. 



Our middleware solution. Move data without the heavy lifting. 


Our commercial data warehouse solution.  Store data central to your success. 

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