and Education

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Services for your Industry

Customer Relationship Management

Powerful CRM software is more affordable than ever. With Microsoft Dynamics CRM, we can configure a basic CRM solution in hours, not months. You can improve your relationships with members, constituents, donors, students, enrollees, and any other stakeholders with this simple off-the-shelf CRM solution.

Our solutions can be tailored to fit the way you work and the processes you have established. Our tools for data integration with your existing systems, partners, or other organizations are second-to-none. Combined with cloud-based deployment, our solutions are smart, affordable, and secure.

Contact us to find out how your organization can benefit from CRM.

Web and Social Media

Just because you are not-for-profit doesn’t mean your brand and your image aren’t critical. First impressions matter to donors, partners, stakeholders, and your constituents just as much as a business’s customers–maybe even more.

Everest’s clean, modern, and responsive web solutions are sophisticated, yet affordable. We can standardize the look and feel across your social media channels, helping you stay true to your brand and on-point with your message.

Contact us to learn more about our web solutions.

Business Intelligence

Your mission is critical and people depend on you for results. Yet without effective business intelligence, metrics, and key performance indicators (KPIs), it’s hard to show compelling outcomes.

Our reporting and dashboard solutions tell your story.

Contact us to learn more about our Business Intelligence solutions.

Digital Marketing

The meetings have all concluded and your fundraiser has been approved. You thought the tough part was over but the hard work has just begun. You now have to reach out to all of your donors and start raising funds. What you think would be a never ending process can now be done automatically.

With automated digital marketing, you now can draft your email campaign, create and load your donor list, set your marketing dates, and away your campaign goes. Tracking the funds can even be done automatically with a little help from technology. Gone are the days of running one campaign at a time. With digital marketing, it is now simple to raise funds for multiple causes simultaneously.

Contact us to learn more about our digital marketing solutions.

Technology Consulting

As a leader of your non-profit, you are relied on to be creative and bring new ideas to the table. Sometimes those new ideas may seem unrealistic, causing you to keep the status quo.

Our technology strategy consulting paired with your optimistic creative ideas will turn your non-profit into an industry leader by bringing your vision to life.

Contact us to learn more about our technology consulting.

Success Stories

Program Tracking


A non-profit was in need of a CRM solution to enable their programs to track interactions with physician offices and employees.


Everest created a custom CRM solution with processes and reports that were specific to the programs operating at a particular chapter. The system also was able to communicate on the national level within the organization.


The non-profit was able to increase their tracking of program interactions leading to additional grant applications.

Web Services Integration Reduces Student Drop-Out Risk


A university with a sizable and growing on-line student population was using Microsoft Dynamics CRM to manage student relationships. They had developed algorithms to identify students at risk of failure for a variety of reasons and wanted to have tutors and counselors reach out to support these students.


Everest designed a proof-of-concept to take output from the Student Risk algorithms and push it near-real-time to the Microsoft Dynamics CRM application where tutors and counselors could make outbound calls to support students at-risk. The proof-of-concept needed to meet a high rate of throughput during peak periods, and met the requirement using the web services end-point of Dynamics CRM.


Once implemented, this solution is projected to reduce the university’s rate of drop-out from on-line education by 25%, and the cost of the web services integration was under $10,000.

Pro-Bono Community Event Website


A community tragedy sparked an outpouring of emotion regarding the loss of a beloved athlete. At the one-year anniversary, a fundraiser event was planned which needed a website.


Everest built a free website for the event which included background, event schedule, participant registration, donations, E-Commerce for T-Shirt sales, and registration for volunteers.


The event was a success with thousands of attendees and hundreds of T-Shirts sold. The event has become annual, and a considerable amount of donations were collected to enable a scholarship fund in the athlete’s honor.

Cloud Solutions

Our Web, CRM, and Digital Marketing solutions work on-premises or in the cloud.

Cloud solutions reduce project cost while providing world-class technology like your competitors have.

Mobility Matters

The transition to mobile has hit an all-time high. Your technology strategy needs to include mobility.

Shouldn’t your sales team have data access anywhere or your website be accessible on a smart-phone?

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