Life Sciences

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Everest has over 20 years of experience in Life Sciences
Sales, Marketing, Managed Markets, and Commercial Operations Support

Services for your Industry

Customer Relationship Management

With over 20 years of experience in Life Sciences CRM, Everest has the technology, business processes, and industry knowledge to help you maximize sales effectiveness. Our expertise covers prescriber and prescription data, targeting, alignment, promotional expense tracking, performance reporting, campaign management, and non-personal promotions.

We have customized Microsoft Dynamics CRM to provide world-class CRM capabilities that fit today’s tight sales budgets. But rather than compromise, we raised the bar with an iPad-optimized solution that includes marketing and campaign automation, advanced prescriber validation, integration to your brand websites, and workflow for interdepartmental customer contact.

We can also customize the solution further for your messaging and marketing variables, host it in the cloud, and operate the solution to minimize the burden on your operations team. Contact Us for more information if you’re looking for an alternative to and Veeva.

Business Intelligence

Everest has been providing Business Intelligence solutions to the Pharmaceutical and Life Sciences industry for over 20 years. Our solutions range from informative dashboards to complete sales reporting packages to complex analytic applications. We understand the pharmaceutical data from the major data providers. Our data expertise includes: alignment, matching and merging, targeting with proxies, even payer, reimbursement and claims data.

Whether on-premises, hosted in our data center, or cloud-based, we can solve your Life Sciences Business Intelligence problem quickly and effectively. Contact Us for more information.

Marketing Automation

Modern CRM and marketing automation tools have raised the bar on customer messaging capabilities. Nurture campaigns have become reliable tools to improve customer responsiveness and overall customer experience.

We offer stand-alone marketing database solutions for small brands or small customers looking to improve their messaging and non-personal promotions while still capturing effective response and campaign metrics.

For the more mature operations, integrated marketing enables automated messaging, sales triggered e-mails, assignment of follow-ups from web landing pages, and much more.

Contact us to start your marketing automation project.

Technology and Process Strategy Consulting

Everest has provided technology consulting to the Life Sciences industry since 1997. We understand Commercial Operations, Sales and Marketing, Managed Markets, Contracting/Pricing and Medical Affairs business processes, and have consulted for companies ranging from start-ups to top five manufacturers.

Our team has worked in the following business areas:

  • Product, Company, and Sales Force Launch
  • CRM Selection, Integration, and Operations
  • Marketing Solutions Selection, Implementation, and Operations
  • Sales Systems Roll-out and Training
  • Product Acquisition and Integration
  • Data Mart and Data Warehouse Envisioning, Design and Implementation
  • Marketing Database Management
  • Prescriber Targeting, Alignment, and Validation
  • One-off Brand, Competitor, or Market Data Analyses
  • Merger and Acquisition Technology Strategy and Implementation
  • Commercial Operations Start-Up
  • Mobility Strategy Development

Contact us today to discuss your technology strategy needs.

Custom Application Development

Everest has a long track record of providing effective custom application solutions to customers. We develop web-based database applications that integrate easily to your existing data, devices, or technologies. We develop on the .Net Framework, leveraging web services, SQL databases, and Azure-based components.

Our custom solutions have covered such topics as:

  • Promotional Spending Transparency
  • Promotional Expense Capture and Reporting
  • Custom CRM Interface on Tablet Browser
  • Managed Markets Claims Processing and Dashboard
  • Co-Promotion Repository including Target Matching and Activity Sharing
  • Business Process Automation with Approval Workflow
  • Managed Care Forecasting and Analytics

Contact us today to discuss your custom application needs.

Success Stories

Managed Markets Forecasting


Due to a formulary change a large pharmaceutical company was debating the impact to their improved tier status of one of their products.


In partnership with another firm, Everest developed the Account Intelligence Model (AIM), a Managed Markets Forecasting and Modeling BI Application that helps them forecast account volume at any level and provides predictive modeling for formulary changes, copay changes, mergers, and other product events.


This tool saved our customers over $20 million in rebates in the first year of use.

Alternate UI for Pharma Company


A small start-up pharmaceutical company focused on Oncology had just launched their product, sales force, and Microsoft Dynamics CRM as an alternative to Veeva. As their brand grew and the sales team became busier, they needed an iPad solution to streamline call entry from the field.


Everest built an iPad-optimized front-end for critical in-field CRM features specifically for the sales force. This role-specific user-interface minimized taps and presented option lists for all necessary data entry, and provided critical variables back to the sales force regarding their targeted prescribers.


The company saw an up-tick in timely and accurate call entry and sales team members enjoyed access to physician office navigation on the iPad.

Fast-Track Co-Promotion Repository


Our small, start-up Life Sciences customer signed a co-promotion agreement with a top-five pharmaceutical manufacturer. Both sales teams were to promote each others products, reporting qualified details back to a Joint Marketing Committee for financial reconciliation and revenue recognition.

While this concept had been discussed among the committee, an early approval letter heightened the need for a technology solution to match and de-dupe targets, reconcile calls, analyze territory overlap, and identify revenue to each party.


Everest built a SQL-Server based Co-Promotion Repository in less that two weeks, enabling all needed cross-company integration in time for launch. The solution was used to determine partnership revenue for the full term of the co-promotion.


This technology solution enabled the co-promotion deal, improved cross-company sales effectiveness, and supported a successful product launch. This solution was nominated for an award within the start-up organization.

Cloud Solutions

Our Web, CRM, and Digital Marketing solutions work on-premises or in the cloud.

Cloud solutions reduce project cost while providing world-class technology like your competitors have.

Mobility Matters

The transition to mobile has hit an all-time high. Your technology strategy needs to include mobility.

Shouldn’t your sales team have data access anywhere or your website be accessible on a smart-phone?

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